“Gifted children are expensive and time-consuming. They usually need less sleep than you do, ask more questions than you can answer, want 100 percent of your attention 24 hours a day, have obsessive hobbies, are unstimulated by the school curriculum, react intensely to everything, endlessly long for a best friend who understands them completely, hold perfectionistic standards for themselves and you, want to know the meaning of life when other children only want to know how to tie their shoes, and keep their bedrooms in a condition you can never show company. If you have three or more of them and there’s only one or two of you, you’re outnumbered. In order to be the perfect parent, you need unlimited funds, unlimited patience, an encyclopedic mind, and someone to sleep for you.”
1 gedachte op “Yep… zo voelt het wel eens”
Reacties zijn gesloten.
if you have three or more? waar wonen je andere kinderen dan?
trouwens, ik heb zo’n beer die je beschrijft in huis, telt dat ook 🙂